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Adding custom attribute in BP General data

  Data model extension at BP General Data is simple process because of Custom Include provided by SAP. So at data base level, the field need to be added in CI structure followed by adding attribute in data model. After that, mapping extensions and adding field in UI though FPM. Thats it. Its very easy and follow below steps for same.

Lets assume there is a requirement to add Custom BP note field to be added at General Data Level.

Step 1.

Before proceeding for data model extension, check custom include in data base table. As this is for BP, Check in BUT000.

In this structure, there is one structure having CI prefix. CI = Custom Include.

Double click on CI_EEW_BUT000. Create structure and add custom field from it.

Create data element on double clicking.

Activate data element, structure(Enhancement category for resolving if any warning appears) and check table.

Add in X structure CI_EEW_BUT000_X.

Add attribute in BP_CENTRL entity.

Activate Data Model.

Generate Data Model Specific Structures.

Check mappings maintained for BP_CENTRL and navigate to them.

Go to SMT Tcode or navigate from MDGIMG Extend mappings.

Go to Details. Click on Transformations. Add transformation.

Add field mapping type.

Go to bottom of page and select field in source and target structure and click on map.

Similarly for mapping step BUS_EI_BUPA_CENTRAL_DATA_XFLAG.

Similarly for other mapping.

All mapping are done. Now data is ready to move from active to staging and staging to active.

Add field in UI.

Manage UI configurations ->  BS_OVP_BP -> BS_BP_OVP -> BS_BP_DETAILS_CU -> BS_BP_DETAILS.

Drag and Drop from repository in Component Configuration of UIBB.

Save it and start testing.


Start the CR and Submit. Complete the CR until final check approved.

After final check approved.

It got replicated to active area.

Open same BP from NWBC and check.

So data is moving from active to staging and staging to active perfectly. 


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